(: The perks of thesis writing :)

Good evening apple dumplings!

First of all, many thanks to happsters (http://happsters.com/) for liking my post and following my blog and inviting me to become a happster!

Since it seems that lists are the theme of this site so far, and since the doom aspect of the Master’s Thesis of Doom isn’t getting any less doomy (which, according to dictionary.com, is the correct adjectival form of the word “doom”), the theme will continue.  Today’s list is about the perks of being doomed with a thesis:

1)  You learn things.  Honestly.  Reading about 18th century people’s views on happiness not only teaches you about the time period but also puts things into perspective and makes you consider your own opinions on the subject

2) You read books that you would never have read otherwise but that you probably should have read: case in point, by the time you read this, I will have finally read a whole work by Voltaire.

3) You get to eat unhealthy.  Your excuse: it gives you vitamin B, cheers you up, and potentially gives you that extra boost of energy you need to finish the current page.

4) You learn about interesting classical, indie and lesser known music through making YouTube playlists labelled “study” or something of the sort.  If you are in need of study music, try Strauss, Mozart, Owl City, She and Him, Enya, Celtic Women, the Lumineers (recommended by my brother) or the Oz the Great and Powerful soundtrack; they’re all very different, but calm enough to study too.

5) You get to test out various scented candles

6) When you’re studying outside, you get to multitask by getting a tan, fresh air, and a tonne of work done all at once

7) Through procrastination you learn about awesome YouTube channels (AVByte, Collgehumour, tracijhine, nerdyandquirky)

8) While procrastinating, you might possible actually manage to get your room into an acceptably clean-ish state

9) When you’re exhausted and feel like you can’t procrastinate in front of the computer any longer, you go outside!  That’s right, people: a master’s thesis makes you appreciate nature and fresh air)

10) You procrastinate and start happiness blogs.  You are currently experiencing the result of procrastination


Today’s quote:

“I believe that one of the things that most contributes to happiness is to be happy with one’s situation and to try rather to make it happy then to change it.” – Émilie Du Châtelet (translated by yours truly)


Thing(s) I am grateful for today:

1) Trail C: Grand Brule on Mont Tremblant

2) Climbing up a mountain with my mom

3) Ice cream parlours with creative flavours (pistachio flavour?  Yum!)


Today’s photo is of ice cream


May your Dad in Heaven bless you!

May you dream sweet dreams of procrastinating on a mountain top while eating pistachio flavoured ice cream

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